Sunday, June 15, 2008


My Favorite Artichoke

1 large artichoke (or 2 small)
garlic powder
dried basil or thyme
olive oil
herb salt

Serves 2

Preparation makes the artichokes easy to cook and eat. You can try different herbs to suit your palate and menu.

Cut off stem close to bulb. Pull off first row or 2 of small leaves around stem. Chop off 1-1 1/2" off the top of the bulb to open it up and remove top spikes. Using scissors cut the end off all leaves to remove sharp edge. Cut bulb in half. Slide knife along ridge where hair starts to remove hair and purple leaves to remove all inedible parts. Pull out purple leaves and scrape off hair from heart trying to conserve as much heart as possible. Sprinkle inside heart and between all leaves with garlic powder and dried basil. Place in steamer and steam for 30-60 minutes - or until heart is fully tender when pierced with a fork.
Remove from steamer and place in individual bowls. Pour organic olive oil over each half and sprinkle with herb salt. Serve hot!

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