Monday, June 9, 2008


Crazy Popcorn

I have always loved popcorn and prefer the air-popper with no over heated oils. My popper has a well on top to melt butter where I melt organic coconut oil! Yum! After popping a huge bowl I add the following items - liquid items first - tossing the corn to evenly distribute, followed by powdered items:

Liquid items: melted coconut oil, olive oil, soy sauce

Powdered items: ground cumin, curry powder, turmeric, cayenne, herb salt - my favorite is Dr. Bronners - now sold by San Diego Company - (CSI, Vista, CA - phone orders only 760-727-9883), Maharishi Ayurveda gourmet Seasoning Vata or Pitta Churna, Brewers or nutritional yeast. Be creative - be bold make up your own special spice blends!

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